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Constantinian Dynasty (306–363 AD)

The Constantinian dynasty, sometimes referred to as the Neo-Flavian dynasty, ruled the Roman Empire from 306 to 363 AD. It is named after Constantine the Great, its most famous member, who remains a pivotal figure in Roman and Byzantine history.

Rise of the Dynasty:

The dynasty’s origins can be traced back to Constantius Chlorus, who was appointed Caesar (junior emperor) of the western Roman Empire by Maximian, the senior emperor, in 305 AD. Constantius Chlorus, a capable and experienced military leader, played a crucial role in stabilizing the empire during the Tetrarchy, a system of four emperors governing different regions. Upon his death in 306 AD, his son Constantine was declared Augustus (senior emperor) by his troops. This marked the beginning of the Constantinian dynasty.

Emperors of the Dynasty:

  • Constantius Chlorus (305–306 AD) – Caesar, later Augustus (western)
  • Constantine the Great (306–337 AD) – Augustus (west), later sole emperor
  • Constantius II (337–361 AD) – Son of Constantine, sole emperor after 340 AD
  • Gallus (351–354 AD) – Cousin of Constantius II, Caesar (east)
  • Constantius Gallus (351–354 AD) – Brother of Gallus, Caesar (east)
  • Julian (355–363 AD) – Cousin of Constantius II, Caesar (west), later Augustus (west)

Constantine the Great (306–337 AD):

Constantine the Great stands as the most prominent figure of the dynasty. His reign witnessed significant events, including:

  • Unifying the Roman Empire under his sole rule in 324 AD, ending the period of the Tetrarchy.
  • Founding Constantinople, a new capital city on the site of Byzantium, which would become the center of the Eastern Roman Empire (later known as the Byzantine Empire) for centuries.
  • Issuing the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, which legalized Christianity throughout the empire and marked a turning point in the history of the religion.
  • Convening the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, which established the Nicene Creed and defined key tenets of Christian doctrine.

Succession and Fragmentation:

After Constantine’s death in 337 AD, the empire entered a period of civil war as his sons and nephews vied for power. Internal conflicts and external threats from the Sassanid Empire in the east weakened the empire. Despite attempts by emperors like Constantius II to restore stability, the dynasty ultimately fractured.


The Constantinian dynasty marked a significant turning point in Roman history. Constantine the Great’s achievements, particularly the establishment of Constantinople and the legalization of Christianity, had lasting impacts on the course of Roman and European civilization. However, the dynasty’s later period was marked by internal strife and external challenges, laying the groundwork for the eventual division of the Roman Empire into Eastern and Western halves in the 5th century AD.



The Constantinian dynasty witnessed a period of profound change and transformation in the Roman Empire. While Constantine the Great’s accomplishments secured his legacy as a historical giant, the dynasty’s later struggles foreshadowed the empire’s future fragmentation and the rise of the Byzantine world in the East.

Note: The sources listed above provide further details and insights into the Constantinian dynasty and are recommended for those seeking a more comprehensive understanding

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